Hi, I’m Robin!
With a love for coffee, fine wine, exploring our beautiful island, and dinners out with friends, I’m a Girl About Town.
Here you’ll find my reviews, recommendations, and resources for navigating Victoria, BC - specifically for those in need of accessible locations.
Accessible Tourism in Victoria, BC,
Discover the most accessible-friendly places to unwind, relax, and enjoy time with friends and family in this spectacular city.
Real Reviews, From Real People.
I am visiting these restaurants, hotels, and destinations from the perspective of a woman who wants to go out, enjoy fine wine and delicious food, enjoy the amenities our gorgeous city has to offer, all from the perspective of someone living with a physical disability.
Why Accessible Tourism Matters (yes, to everyone)
People of all abilities can be interested in travel, in gaining new experiences, in going on adventures. Check out our trove of articles and resources to educate, inform, and enlighten you on the importance of accessible tourism across the globe.
Inclusive Tourism, Explained
Accessible Destinations
Whether you’re planning to arrive in a wheelchair, on crutches, or simply need room to maneuver comfortably, some businesses simply nail it better than others. This guide can be used to find the right location for your physical needs and desires.
Real Reviews
People of all abilities can enjoy a night out with friends or a day trip on a sightseeing tour - and not all reviews on popular tourism sites include information that is essential for those of us with a physical disability. I cover all of it, so you can show up prepared.
All Abilities, All Good
Look around at the grocery store or in the office - everyone is unique! Businesses should be able to accommodate the different abilities that people present, and by sharing my experiences I hope to shed light on this ever-present topic.